5 ways to run the best “Best and Fairest” Vote Count Night

Sports Vote Count software

Just about every player I’ve ever spoken to about a sports vote count night, loves it! It’s a players night!

And usually, the club volunteers love them too! (Except the poor one that has to prepare the slide shows right?!)

Just about every player’s partner I’ve ever spoken to about a sports vote count night rolls their eyes.

But… your Vote Count night can be the centre piece of the club’s social calender. 

Here’s some ideas that just may help!

  1. Run a sweepstakes. List all your players on individual cards or tickets. Charge a set price per player and let entrants purchase tickets – lucky dip style. Or… charge an entrance fee and give every one a ticket. Half the cash taken goes to the winner. Half the cash goes to the club. Win – Win!

    This can depend on the number of players your Sports club has and who is elible, maybe have one set of players, maybe 2, maybe 5!

    Tip: Remember to consider a Tied Result.

    Check the Liquor and Gaming license rules in your jurisdiction too. 

  2. Roll out the Red Carpet – glam things up by making it a Red Carpet event. Every club has a character who loves the microphone… give it to them and let them roam as people arrive.

    Take lot’s of photos…

    A Rose and champagne (with a strawberry) on arrival also sets a great tone

  3. Put together a photo montage, to music. A bit of emotive music and the odd slide show effect add so much drama to amateur photos that are probably already all over your social media pages.

    Find someone with a tiny bit of computer nous and maybe offer them free entry / free meal or something to put it together for you.

  4. Depending on the complexity and size of your Vote Count, it may pay to combine the evening with another social function.

    Votes can often be counted in just half an hour. Punctuate vote counting with a Cocktail night, or follow it up with an iPod shuffle or some live music.

    The winner must, of course, wear the medal for the remainder of the evening – but don’t let them lose it!

  5. Instead of a night – especially if you’ve run vote count nights for several years, consider changing it up and making it a family day  with BBQ lunch. Longer opening hours helps with Bar takings, and kid friendly hours may help attendance and build club engagement.


Of course, what is taken for granted here is, make sure you’re presenting the count on the big screen using some slick vote count software 😉