Update – Club Logos for Associations and Leagues

You asked, we listened!

Another Free Update for everyone, as this week Club Logos can be added to the club details setup by Leagues or Associations.

If you’re running Club Vote Count to count votes for a club’s Best and Fairest or MVP Award, Club Vote Count doesn’t need many details of opposition clubs, beyond their name. (All matches will involve your club and votes only go to players of your club right?)

But Leagues and Associations have a bigger job, and the fixture and player set up is a little more involved. Part of this extra set up is detailing the clubs that compete within each Section, or across all sections of your league.

This makes fixture setup and player entry a little more involved but results in a much more controlled and streamlined vote count.

Upload Club Logos

This week’s addition to Club Vote Count is a feature to allow uploading of club logos for each Club in your association or league. It’s easy and it doesn’t matter if you’ve already set things up, or are just getting started. You can add the logo as you’re getting set up, or simply edit the details of any existing club to upload a logo.

That logo will then appear in all the appropriate places to give things much more flair.

It’s nice on Vote Count night for spectators to see their club branding represented on the big screen and it’s also very helpful for any spectators to quickly identify the club’s earning votes.

Each club’s logo will appear in all the appropriate places:

  1. Embedded in the name field when you enter player names (for Live and replayed votes.
  2. On the leaderboard (from the Vote Count and the public Leaderboard)
  3. On the Round by Round votes list which is available after the count.
  4. On the “Winner” page that loads on completion of the count.

Of course, Club Vote Count also allows you to review or replay old vote counts at any time and the honour board page (soon to be available publicly as well as for logged in users) also allows you to look back over old counts and leaderboards.

Should a player shift clubs, votes earned at previous clubs will always display the logo of the club where the votes were earned, on old leaderboards, vote count replays and vote lists.